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Omni La Costa Resort Featured In News

CDT Staff

Roger Cox of Tennis Resorts Online recently traveled to Southern California to provide readers with a preview of why tennis can't be beat in the "land of perpetual Spring."

Read on for a preview of Cox's article and click on the link below for the full version.

San Diego: The Land of Perpetual Spring

It was 38 degrees when I left New York City for San Diego a couple of weeks ago, which made the prospect of 70-degree days and outdoor tennis all the more appealing. This southernmost of the California counties, on the border with Mexico, enjoys a spring-like climate year-round. The average high temperature ranges from 65 degrees in January to 78 degrees in August. Rainfall measures less than 10 inches annually, most of it coming from November through March, which paradoxically are also the sunniest months.

The option of playing tennis outdoors any month of the year helps explain why the game has long had a high profile there. Over the decades, that impeccable tennis climate has drawn a Who's Who of bold-face tennis names, many of whom became fixtures at several of the local tennis clubs and resorts, chief among them the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club and what is now the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa READ THE FULL ARTICLE FROM TENNISRESORTSONLINE HERE.


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