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  • CDT Staff

PTU Profile: Will Thompson

Name: Will Thompson Originally From: Jacksonville, Florida Favorite Shot: Huge forehands Best Tennis Memory: Probably on a tennis road trip in college. I’ve realized how many friends/priceless memories that I’ve made through the sport of tennis. What has been your favorite event or program to teach during your time at Cliff Drysdale Tennis and why?

Probably an adult clinic where I got chewed out by a student for messing up a drill. It was a learning experience and I’ve realized that the biggest problems in these settings are really not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. What part of being a tennis pro do you feel you've improved at the most during your time in the program?

Probably the amount of drills I have in my pocket and how I can change up a practice session in a split second if things aren’t going well.

If you could teach a private lesson to any person in the world, who would it be and why?

I’ve thought about this one a lot and probably have to say a professional athlete in a different sport like Bethany Hamilton. She is just super inspirational and would love to meet her in person. She likely has little knowledge of tennis and think it would be awesome to try to get her hooked on it! What advice would you have for those interested in joining the PTU program?

Go for it! It’s the real deal if you want to travel around the world and get paid to hit tennis balls. People are going to know your name and you will meet a lot of people that have the same passion as you. Come in ready to grind away and work hard.


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